Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ditch the Plastic

Plastics and disposable products are everywhere we look. If you are alive and have seen any sort of news piece, you know that plastics are under fire for many reasons;  from floating trash piles the size of Texas in our oceans to the inability to breakdown in the environment (think--every piece of plastic wrap and every baggie you've ever used is still with us on this planet somewhere). Now, I'm not writing this to make you feel guilty, but to encourage you and show you alternatives.  These alternatives will save you money (direct bonus) and help contribute to a healthier environment in and out of your home (no leaching plastics into your food and less waste).  I see most people toting their re-usable bags to the grocery store (way to go)...again not, judging I've been spotted without mine too!  But here's the deal, check out the flier below to see more ways you can Ditch the Plastic. 
Please share more ideas that you have to stop using plastics and disposable items.  My non-Norwex ditch was last Christmas when I asked for Mason jars and Pyrex bowls with lids for a gift.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Upcycle, Repurpose, Recycle, Reuse...just do it

There are hundreds of things to pin on Pintrest guiding you how to make something new out of something old.  Therefore I'm not going to go into too many "how to's" here.  But rather a little picture gallery of things to inspire you that I've done on my own.  Just try something new, you never know, and what's the worst that can happen, you have to throw it away?

Celery, Roses, Potatoes, Pallet Gardens

Celery Starter and Roses with new buds

Celery growing from rooted organic celery that we ate and didn't throw out the bottom.
Simply put the bottom cutoff in a dish of shallow water, let roots grow, let leaves pop up and plant in the ground.

Potato plants growing in a bag we made from our old pool cover and Trader Joe's potatoes that grew eyes,
 so I put them in the dirt!  We'll see what we have for a harvest.

Pallet gardens!  Broccoli and lettuce are growing

I've also created a Compost Bin for my kitchen by simply using the
Family Pack Wegmans Organic Animal Crackers container
and I've made a K-cup Holder out of an old Oatmeal container, Scrapbook paper and Modge Podge (unfortunately those pictures are on my phone and I'm not tech savvy enough to load them here!)

What are some of your favorite reuse or upcycle creations?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Spring will Come

NO really it will, Spring always come. And after a few glorious days of green grass and flowers peeking through the ground then people will be complaining about mud.  Even with what feels like the longest winter to some and news media sources coining new phrases like "winter fatigue" and Facebook scrolls being loaded with complaints about more snow and cold I promise spring will come. I hear you, I'm ready for a little more sunshine and warm air too.  But rather than getting bogged down by worrying about the I sit looking at the March calendar with a cute bunny munching green grass, with a word bubble above it's head in which my son said we should write "Watch Out, Danger!"
Just look a little harder, spring is just around the corner

Why is it that people get in a flurry to clean their homes and air things out in the spring!?  Is it because they know they can finally open their windows and just about no one feels safe bleaching things in their home or doing deep down cleaning without opening the windows or running fans.

I've come to realize since I can't open my windows for about 5 months of the year that winter is the perfect time to clean... I mean if I'm going to be stuck inside on a minus 20 degree day I might as well work up a sweat and start cleaning!  But I can't open my problem now that I use Norwex Microfiber cloths to clean my surfaces, kids toys, floors, windows, fireplace, couches, shoes, walls, cabinets, laundry I don't have to worry about fumes or residues permeating my house....and I simmer a little lemon oil in some water on my stove and some lavender essential oil in my bathroom and we're as good as spring around here!

SO here's to kick off your end of winter, how much longer is this going to last, bring on spring, and when it gets here your house will be clean so you can go outside pre-spring cleaning tips!

#1. Start decluttering...where do you start?  Somewhere anywhere, pick one area, don't worry about cleaning it, just start taking out all the stuff that doesn't belong there (put it in a needs to be put in its place bin), get rid of things in that area that you never use (give it away or put it in a sell pile for a garage sale) and get that space organized.

#2. Keep going.....organize and declutter at least 1 space per week, until we hit the first day of Spring.

#3.  Choose another day of the week and start cleaning.  Look up some weekly checklist. Here are a few areas I like to get tackled:  -Take a wet Enviro Cloth and wipe down your kitchen cabinets.  -Wash the inside of the windows....when it gets warm then you can tackle the outside.  No more paper towels and window spray cleaner to tote.  Take a wet enviro cloth or a spray bottle and followup up with our polish cloth, streak free shine, no spray, no waste!  -Dust all the bedroom furniture.

Don't have any Norwex items yet, feel free to get in touch with me and I'll help you tackle your specific areas and cleaning challenges....but also know that most people start with the Basic Package, a window cloth and an enviro cloth.....or upgrade to a dusting mitt too!  Start saving money today....DO NOT go down the cleaning aisle at your grocery store and buy the latest thing that you just saw advertised on tv.  As a mom of 3 little ones....let them help spring clean alongside you...give them their own cloths!

PS.  I only have openings left for shows in April & May.